Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who could finance something like this?

A billionaire could.

In fact, a man who is connected to as many crooked crack-dealing apartment complexes as the person I have in mind could quite easily accomplish this with no trouble whatsoever.

A.J.(secret clue for you know who)

This is a well-written blog or website.

This person is Arizona (close to TX) and Newark NJ (which DOES surprise me)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wow is all I can say

I do not have time to introduce every fact I have learned here at this time.

Suffice to say .... I have uncovered incredible information.

The "oh my God, you're crazy" tripe has started up again. Whenever they are most in fear I am most certainly about to go off my rocker.

Betty Crocker off her rocker !

Well, good luck with that.

Unfortunately for you folks I am just crazy enough to have taken enough video of you to sink your crazy ship.