Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who could finance something like this?

A billionaire could.

In fact, a man who is connected to as many crooked crack-dealing apartment complexes as the person I have in mind could quite easily accomplish this with no trouble whatsoever.

A.J.(secret clue for you know who)

This is a well-written blog or website.

This person is Arizona (close to TX) and Newark NJ (which DOES surprise me)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wow is all I can say

I do not have time to introduce every fact I have learned here at this time.

Suffice to say .... I have uncovered incredible information.

The "oh my God, you're crazy" tripe has started up again. Whenever they are most in fear I am most certainly about to go off my rocker.

Betty Crocker off her rocker !

Well, good luck with that.

Unfortunately for you folks I am just crazy enough to have taken enough video of you to sink your crazy ship.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Corporate Stalking

When I get the time I am going to do more research and writing on Corporate Stalking. Now that I know WHO the major player is in this game, it's pretty easy to ferret out the rest of the names.  So we'll have a go at it eventually.

However, there are other stalking genres where the same names just crop up and up and up and up ..

BUT, the bigger discovery there has been that they also all fit within "THE CORPORATION."

The Corporation HAS DA POWA. Also have the ability to shut your electricity off.

THIS Corporation happens to back the Republican Party.  Not the halfway decent ones, but the total tea Party degenerates.  Could be the old guard, many of whom have died recently would not go for what these ,younger, less couth people do.  The younger people have ripped the table-cloth out from under the fine china and cutlery of some of the oldest and most established names in Tampa and in some cases, Florida.

Now, please realize, to make  your mark in Florida or in Tampa does not take MUCH. They have no regard for societal mores or class or dignity. Or a clean record. To wit: RICK SCOTT.

It's more like so:

a. You got da money?

b. Lemme see it !

c. Vito, count this.

d. Siddown.

And you're in.  UNTIL they can maybe take that money from you.  OR until they use you up.

Now, check out former Tampa Mayor Poe. I had no idea he was ever Mayor .. way before my time as a child though I've been here nearly all my life. To anyone but these "islanders" here who feel their eight generations of sleeze have been awesome for the rest of us, I should BE a Tampan !  And I always thought I was until around 2003. I mean I had this feeling about Tampa that I would need to get out of here at some point, you'd have to live here to undertand, but until then, Tmapa was ok with me. Like shit on your shoes  you know you will never quite scrape off. There's that bit between the cracks you have to scrub.

. BUT I do read the local newspaper, or sued to until they started putting stupid propaganda sometimes aimed AT ME in it and until the thugs up by the newspaper machine started spraying the newspapers with some kind of toxin all through the middle pages, literally soaking it to perfection so it would be dry by the time you got it. I didn't adhere to a regulat schedule due to work so sometimes I caught it a bit damper.Once I thought the machine had leaked due to rain, so yknow until they realized I wuold fight them in the mud and win, they weren't THAT bad.

BUT, they did murder animals. And THAT is the sign of a sickness you can't scrape off. They broke the necks of tiny puppies.  Amd poisoned another of our dogs until I caught one of them.

But,the newspaper ...

And, when you would sit down in your chair to read it, your eyes would at first bug out of your head and then they would slowly start to close as you felt sleepy. It was really lack of oxygen. I still have those papers.
Being an athlete it didn't take me long to notice my breath was changing, you really concentrate on your breathing as an athlete, maybe better referred to as oxygen rate. I would notice I was not filling my lungs or breathing deep down in my diaphragm.  I remember that as a VERY weird time. We'd wander out of our house to go get the newspaper and sometimes stand in the street befuddled from the lack of oxygen due to the toxins in our house. I experimented with the newspapers, setting them down, walking away, finding clean air or putting them in the car and driving to clean air. They will follow you with their naty toxin machines. It's nto new. Bio terrorism is just getting dug in good.  I've had them, (the two most obvious times) follow my SO and I on to a path through the local nature park and the air was thick and bad and hard to breathe and had a fruity smell and then come home and found that same smell very thick in my own yard all around my door. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE. First them, then me. You're sailing along in your life and the snakes are around your ankles, the centipede feet all in  your path. Once you notice them ... you just have to put mind over matter.  So, they like to make you beileve that ANYTHING you have is through their graciousness. LOL. Not quite you ham-handed illilterates.

But I digress.

At any rate, I stopped reading the paper but kept buying it and putting it away. I don't do that anymore, either. As a habit I used to dig down for the paper, sometimes putting the coupons back for those who use them. I like my paper off the bottom !

. When I first was positive they wee doing something to it, I began to take the one off the front of the machine. RUDE !!! But it was safe.  Then they noticed, which means they were standing there WATCHING. ,, the grease oozing off them and rolling down their necks ... (and not only that did other things and were chummed up with the neighborhood scum)

OH.. look at THAT.. another TAMPA to TEXAS connection. That was a surprise. I think. I've learned so much my head is full and some of it is merely documented and not stored. I do have a LIFE.



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  • BUT, back to Bill Poe.  Now I remember being shocked when THIS happened to the Poe family.

    Because they had worn that mantle of respectablity which is not all that elusive OR exclusive in Tampa. These days almost no one has it. I have class  but, THAT is a bit different. I also have SELF-respect and that is a LOT different. But I don't have my own parking garage.
    Nor apparently was I ever ethical enough to have a whole endowed center of ethical stuff and such. Yet !  For me, this is like when they put the word "clean" on a hotel sign. Ok, THAT should be a GIVEN. LOL
    At any rate, the whole family went out like a light. And it just got worse and worse.

    But you know they stepped out to get Bill Poe, I think. He's still at it trying to recover.
    But, you realize that a LOT of this only happened because a bigger fish came along.  You don't go from being mayor to having your whole family sued by the state when the governor is a crook with a gap for Charlie who was not a bad guy on the whole and then MAJOR CROOK and not have been a thorn in SOMEONE"S SIDE. So,, whent his happened to POE, I knew things were going to get bad. Real bad. 

    But, I like the odds.

    And here I'd like to add a song for Colin Breen, the minnow everyone will want in their net !!

    .... "til along may come, a bigger one, and you'll BE LOST ... every river that you try to cross..... " every family that you TRY TO RUIN ....

    Lost (Remix ft. Jay-Z) Lyrics

    Just because I’m losing
    Doesn’t mean I’m lost!
    Doesn’t mean I’ll stop
    Doesn’t mean I'm across

    Just because I’m hurting
    Doesn’t mean I’m hurt
    Doesn’t mean I don’t get what I deserved
    No better and no worse

    I just got lost
    Every river that I tried to cross
    Every door I ever tried was locked
    Oh and I’m just waiting ‘til the shine wears off

    You might be a big fish
    In a little pond
    Doesn’t mean you’ve won
    ‘Cause a long may come
    A bigger one

    And you’ll be lost
    Every river that you tried to cross
    Every gun you ever held went off
    Oh and I’m just waiting until the firing stopped
    Oh and I’m just waiting ‘til the shine wears off

    Aha, I gotcha, uh...
    With the same sword they knight you, they gon' good night you with
    Shit, that's only half if they like you
    That ain't even the half what they might do
    Don't believe me, ask Michael
    See Martin, see Malcolm
    See Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome
    See Jesus, see Judas
    See Caesar, see Brutus, see success is like suicide
    Suicide, it's a suicide
    If you succeed, prepare to be crucified
    Media meddles, niggaz sue you, you settle
    Every step you take, they remind you you're ghetto
    So it's tough being Bobby Brown
    To be Bobby then, you have to be Bobby now
    And the question is, "Is to have had and lost
    Better than not having at all?"
    Because I'm...

    Oh and I, just waiting ‘til the shine wears off
    Oh and I, just waiting ‘til the shine wears off

    Don't relax, clown-hair. I'm still here.

    Military Spy Ring Sounds Familiar

    I've often realized that these "STALKERS" seem to do this for VERY LITTLE reason. Sometimes a spot on a pony baseball league for their kid.

    Still I guess that's better than being the kid who gets run down in the street ergo giving up his spot on the team as happens to "the others."

    How amazing that the military and the CIA can figure out this is happening ALL THE WAY in Afghanistan but not right here on American soil.  How interesting is that?


    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    First order of business

    I have been to a blog and left numerous comments concerning gangstalking, the similarities the lady reports to what goes on here and various other aspects.

    I considered the first order of business to be the similarities and to that end, immediately went to work on the "communal" things and people shared by Tampa and Texas, some of which may only be known to myself.

    BUT then I reailzed as I was formulating this blog ... NO, the first order of business is to deduce what possible efforts the stalkers and criminals and their masters, whom I now suspect to be corporations and their employees among others and other enterprises may have taken already to thwart this very senario.

    The scenario that two "victims" would find each other and put together a picture.

    So, with that, and because I have an extraordinarily time-consuming project I am working on, I am going to post a link to this blog over on the blog entitled Victims of Organized Crime in Central Texas.

    Full disclosure: I have been to Texas only three times that I can think of, maybe only twice. Once driving through and perhaps once on a layover and the next time, driving through. With almost no stops, I may have spent the night once.  So my knowledge of the area is limited to MY limited experience, a map and my memories.

    BUT, I also have a lot of personal knowledge gleened in various ways from various individuals known and soem very well known to me and my family.

    So, with that, I propose when ML of Victims of Organized Crime in Texas has ample time, perhaps she will help "forecast" what steps may already have been taken to prevent the probably "forecasted" possibility this would happen one day: That two people would meet up and have the same stalkers and be able to verify it.

    This has happened to me once before. I have a pictuer of a guy I have had stalk me more than five times appear on someone else's youtube at a different location. It is definitely the same guy.  I have a picture of him fairly recently here at International Mall and maybe one from the library. Irregardless of whether I can readily produce those photos I do know I did not just rake through youtubes and randomly select one. I was shocked but not surprised.

    At any rate, hopefully we'll proceed and unlock some not very well kept mysteries and agendas.

    Next up: National Exposure.

    To that end I have to promise not to swear, curse and call you awful names you disgusting stalkers with no lives. While that won't be easy, I am going to abide by that.

    ML, so you know, the first time I tried to view that video of the guy who walks his dog back and forth ONLY IN front of your property, it would not open. I had that happen to a video I posted of the guy here who makes his appearances whenever he has my car tampered with.

    I thought you should know that.

    I hope we are able to move forward, I trust your orgnaizational skills more than mine, especially at the moment.


    Tampa Florida to TEXAS

    OH by the way, the Corporation I mentioned which I know is partly behind and probably the money bags of this stalking and terrrorization of my family: It's former CEO and the son of the original founder is gay, his ex husband is very involved in the equestrian world.

    As well, the neighbor I have here for unknown reasons painted his cheap metal roof the EXACT same color as did the corporation the exact same week the corporation painted theirs. This kind of nasty burnt orange color. We were wondering WHY at the store and then weirded out by the guy across the way. No visible means of support except for some time at a local hospital, a ninety thousand dollar car, born in NJ, has some handyman skills, commits insurance fraud, knows the local police WAY TOO WELL, is gay and has done many many things to my home and family through his tenants and others and also openly stalked me.

    My sister used to own a horse.  That's my equestrian sum-up. It's probably significant as to the Corporate millionair'es ex-husband and his also now being married to an ex tampa fireman who has another former and straight family in the hometown of the corporation.

    UPDATE: I updated this post briefly to include a link to MLs blog and to include a link to another blog she cites which contains extremely intellectual and factual commentary concerning this criminal phenomena we are now experiencing and other subjects just as prevalent.

    Medawar's Cornflakes
    I should note that I can't get the "follow me" button to show on ANY blogs I visit.